This was done with version GameMaker Version 1.05 which is probably one
of the easiest editors Around.
To Gregory Stone: It would be nice to get a better version as I have had
to do too many unnecessary tricks in order to accomplish a few things... for instance we should be able to start the block-timers when we want to, not all at the start of the game. also, we should be able to assign sounds as we want; all sounds Ex: monster - death points score ... The Score popping up when you kill a monster should have been with background tiles and I had to do it with monsters -this works, but the sounds interfere and I ran out of monsters on screen real fast...
... The Character Scrolls too close to the side of the screen -
Should be able to ajust that as you want.
... A two player (At the same time) Option would be nice, I can think of a
lot of things to do with that (Over- head Tank wars, for example).
....Some Protection from "Tile-Snatchers", I know thats almost impossible,
But you don't have to make it so easy!
....Points, Money, Lives, Should Be Optional ...
....There's more but You'll probly never read this anyway...
....And if you do read this, Thanks for helping me accomplish a long-time
Dream: Making a complete, running game (Good or Bad!!).
....Also for the Gamemaker owners, I Know you're probly sick of the same
music for all the games..
if I could have got my hands on a graphical editor, It would have been
original -right now I can't afford good one but I will , soon ,and will